Thursday, June 18, 2009


While away on vacation I was unfortunately (secretly hypnotized and) convinced that I needed to eat three large meals a day, with snacks to make sure that I had enough energy to do all that walking at Disney. I of course also needed one trip to the Infamous Boston Lobster Company restaurant for all you can eat seafood and had to indulge in desserts because they were "southern" and you just can't eat that kind of dessert up here in the North. (LOL)

So anyway, I gained at least 4 - 6 pounds - not really sure because I weighed myself at odd times, but anyhow, almost a week later I'm still up almost 3 lbs so I couldn't possibly go weigh in at work for our Biggest Loser contest. I mean, that 3 lbs will be gone by next week (because I'm really going to buckle down) and then I'll only owe $2 for missing two weigh-ins instead of having to pay $4 today. It's all just strategic you know...

Well, my cube mate says I am I? She says the person that's going to win deserves to win all the money and I'm taking away from that. Well I disagree! :o{) I mean, they're going to get plenty of money why should I contribute more than I need to!??!


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