Friday, May 8, 2009

ADD & Me

I'm not sure how old I was when I realized I had ADD. Probably in my early 30's.

For me, I feel constantly overwhelmed to the point that I stop doing everything....or just procrastinate and then freak out when someone's coming over at 6 and the house is still a mess at 3!

I procrastinate because my mind says "ya know, if you don't think about this at all, and you do something else, this task might just go away"...what baloney! It doesn't go away, it just gets worse. Then you're even more overwhelmed and you slide into that little thing called depression.

It's really quite frustrating. Like weight loss. The harder you try to think about overcoming your issue, the bigger the issue gets!

Meanwhile...I guess I'll google holistic therapies for ADD and see what I find! :)

1 comment:

  1. Being married to someone with SERIOUS ADD, I completely understand. Try this link - for some good info to start with.
    Maria from Swap-bot
